Ohin loron ita hare prosesu desenvolvimentu iha Timor-Leste hahu hatudu “laiha respeitu tan ba natureza”. Governo nebe halo kontratu ho kompania sira nebe halo dalan ka rehabilita dalan sira iha Dili laran halo sira nia servisu nebe hamosu problema meio-ambiente. Sira tesi mohu ai-horis bot barak iha dalan ninin hodi halo trotoar nebe laiha konseitu tuir natureza nasaun tropika nian.

Ai-horis barak iha Dili laran balun tinan hat nulu resin ona, no representa Cidadi Dili nia historia nebe uluk iha Tempo Portuguesa sai nudar Cidadi nebe mak mos no matak iha rejiaun Asia.

Ohin loron, ita luta maka’as atu hadia no konserva fali ita nia natureza. Nasaun ki’ik hanesan Timor-Leste sei fragil liu ba degradasaun natureza. Nune, mak asaun husi Kompania nebe kaer projecto “rehabilita dalan” hodi tesi ai-hun bot barak iha dalan ninin hatudu katak Governo ho kompania sira laiha kapasidadi no kreatividadi atu utiliza ita ema nia rasio nebe iha hodi maneja ita nia natureeza.

Kultura violento iha Timor-Leste ne’e as tebes. Tesi ai-hun bot hirak iha dalan ninin ne’e, sei hametin deit kultura violento ida ne’e. Laos deit oho ka hakanek ema mak mak sai nudar asaun violento, maibe wainhira tesi ai-hun ida, ita hahu dadauk asaun violent ona. Violensia ba ekologiku, iha impaktu masivu mos ba meio-ambiente nebe bele mos hamate ema moris ka fo impaktu naruk ba ema nia saude. Ida ne’e mak tenki tau iha konsiensia moral nudar emar iha kakutak ka neon, katak tesi ai ne’e mos nudar violensia ba ita nia maluk, tamba ai-horis hirak ne’e mak hamaluk “maubere” oan lao rai sira nebe loron manas fila husi eskola ka buka sira nia moris iha Dili laran. Wainhira tesi mohu sira hotu mak sira nia maluk hirak lao rai ne’e sei terus liu tamba manas, tamba rai rahun husi kareta luxu sira nebe utiliza dalan hirak ne’e. Ami horon dadauk konspirasaun bot entre kompania sira ho governantes sira nebe halo terus dadauk povu ki’ik sira, husi manas, rai-rahun ho meio-ambinte nebe la saudavel hodi desenvolvimentu no kampo trabalho nia naran.

Politika sira halo promesa eleitoral oi-oin kona ba meio-ambiente, maibe hatudu dadauk “laiha pratika nebe respeita ita nia natureza (meio-ambiente)”.

Ai-horis nebe fo b ita ema ‘is moris nian” (oksigenio), ita tesi mohu dadauk ona tamba deit atu “hadia trotoar ho kor katak tuir bandeira”. Karik, ita haluha ai-hun hirak ne’e mak sai nudar pulmaun ba Cidadi ida ne’e. Nune, mak ita la fo importansia ba ai-horis hirak ne’e.

Ami husi grupu ida ne’e protesta ho maka’as ba kompania no ba entidade governantes nebe mak halo kontratu ne’e. Atu para kedas ona oho ai-horis hirak ne’e. Dala ida tan, tenki para ona oho ai-horis hirak ne’e. Ami sei hasae ami nia asaun wainhira halerik ne’e imi la rona.

Viva natureza
Viva Maubere Lao Rai Nebe presija ai-horis hirak ne’e

Husi Grupu Iterese ba Ntureza (Kelompok Peduli Lingkungan):
Haburas Foundation, Asosiasi HAK, ETADEP, HASATIL ho membros tomak, Sanggar Weturu, PERMATIL. No Kontakto:3310103, 7232851

Rare Timor birds for sale in Dili - part 2

These lorikeets are going for US$5.00 each outside Erli Restaurant, next to Cafe Terrace.

Rare Timor birds for sale in Dili

Last few years I saw a government poster (or was it UNTAET’s?) identifying some (if not all) of the rare birds in Timor-Leste. The poster also warned people against trapping these birds, buying or selling them. It was said to be a criminal offence if any of these birds were in someone’s possession instead of out there in the wild. I don’t blame the government for doing so. For starters, there is only one place for wild animals in this world, in the wild; and this also includes monkeys which some restaurants in Dili and Com are displaying inside makeshift cages for their customers’ amusement. I don’t find it funny. Since then trades in wild birds in and around Dili specially disappeared. No longer did you see men parading all over Dili with exotic species of birds like eagles (or hawks) or lorikeets, selling them for as little as a few dollar.

Today I walked out of Café Terrace in down town Dili and there they were again. There were a couple of men who brought with them a number of birds for sale. Among these birds were wild pigeons (the ones with white head), a kakoak and a baby eagle (or hawk). Look at their pictures below?

I wanted to buy these birds and then set them free but on careful consideration I decided not to. If I bought these birds of them, I would have only encouraged them and others to trap more wild birds and sell them. And if I released them, I wouldn’t have a clue where to do it and if they would survive at all after spending sometime trapped in a cage. They are probably too traumatised to be able to find their way alone and survive. Besides, the eagle chook just wouldn’t survive anywhere.

As far as I know, the government has not made any change to the laws covering the protection of these wild birds. But how can you stop the people from trapping these birds? I hope you don’t buy them, so encourage them to go and get more.

Kakoak, a strange looking bird but is very elusive. Indonesians bought hundreds of them and exported them to Java before 1999.

This eagle (or hawk) chook is going for US$10.00. Its Tetum name is makikit.

Wild pigeos.


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