Rally against the removal of trees in Dili's main streets


Ohin loron ita hare prosesu desenvolvimentu iha Timor-Leste hahu hatudu “laiha respeitu tan ba natureza”. Governo nebe halo kontratu ho kompania sira nebe halo dalan ka rehabilita dalan sira iha Dili laran halo sira nia servisu nebe hamosu problema meio-ambiente. Sira tesi mohu ai-horis bot barak iha dalan ninin hodi halo trotoar nebe laiha konseitu tuir natureza nasaun tropika nian.

Ai-horis barak iha Dili laran balun tinan hat nulu resin ona, no representa Cidadi Dili nia historia nebe uluk iha Tempo Portuguesa sai nudar Cidadi nebe mak mos no matak iha rejiaun Asia.

Ohin loron, ita luta maka’as atu hadia no konserva fali ita nia natureza. Nasaun ki’ik hanesan Timor-Leste sei fragil liu ba degradasaun natureza. Nune, mak asaun husi Kompania nebe kaer projecto “rehabilita dalan” hodi tesi ai-hun bot barak iha dalan ninin hatudu katak Governo ho kompania sira laiha kapasidadi no kreatividadi atu utiliza ita ema nia rasio nebe iha hodi maneja ita nia natureeza.

Kultura violento iha Timor-Leste ne’e as tebes. Tesi ai-hun bot hirak iha dalan ninin ne’e, sei hametin deit kultura violento ida ne’e. Laos deit oho ka hakanek ema mak mak sai nudar asaun violento, maibe wainhira tesi ai-hun ida, ita hahu dadauk asaun violent ona. Violensia ba ekologiku, iha impaktu masivu mos ba meio-ambiente nebe bele mos hamate ema moris ka fo impaktu naruk ba ema nia saude. Ida ne’e mak tenki tau iha konsiensia moral nudar emar iha kakutak ka neon, katak tesi ai ne’e mos nudar violensia ba ita nia maluk, tamba ai-horis hirak ne’e mak hamaluk “maubere” oan lao rai sira nebe loron manas fila husi eskola ka buka sira nia moris iha Dili laran. Wainhira tesi mohu sira hotu mak sira nia maluk hirak lao rai ne’e sei terus liu tamba manas, tamba rai rahun husi kareta luxu sira nebe utiliza dalan hirak ne’e. Ami horon dadauk konspirasaun bot entre kompania sira ho governantes sira nebe halo terus dadauk povu ki’ik sira, husi manas, rai-rahun ho meio-ambinte nebe la saudavel hodi desenvolvimentu no kampo trabalho nia naran.

Politika sira halo promesa eleitoral oi-oin kona ba meio-ambiente, maibe hatudu dadauk “laiha pratika nebe respeita ita nia natureza (meio-ambiente)”.

Ai-horis nebe fo b ita ema ‘is moris nian” (oksigenio), ita tesi mohu dadauk ona tamba deit atu “hadia trotoar ho kor katak tuir bandeira”. Karik, ita haluha ai-hun hirak ne’e mak sai nudar pulmaun ba Cidadi ida ne’e. Nune, mak ita la fo importansia ba ai-horis hirak ne’e.

Ami husi grupu ida ne’e protesta ho maka’as ba kompania no ba entidade governantes nebe mak halo kontratu ne’e. Atu para kedas ona oho ai-horis hirak ne’e. Dala ida tan, tenki para ona oho ai-horis hirak ne’e. Ami sei hasae ami nia asaun wainhira halerik ne’e imi la rona.

Viva natureza
Viva Maubere Lao Rai Nebe presija ai-horis hirak ne’e

Husi Grupu Iterese ba Ntureza (Kelompok Peduli Lingkungan):
Haburas Foundation, Asosiasi HAK, ETADEP, HASATIL ho membros tomak, Sanggar Weturu, PERMATIL. No Kontakto:3310103, 7232851


  1. Timor oan said...
    Asal Mau Pak.

    Sahnana maka manan eleisaun
    Parlamentarista AMP sira hakilar
    halai tama Parlamentu daudaun
    Hosi Lasama to'o Carmelita
    Hosi Assanami to'o Virgilio Marcal.
    Sahnana maka funu!
    Leman kakilar.
    CNRT maka liberdade!
    Kalbuadi hatan.
    Hafoin Gil Alves dehan,
    "Ami mak kaer nasaun.
    Ba oin, sei lori progressu
    pa povu, sei lori salvasaun."
    "Sahnana sei lori bembaguna,"
    Benvinda dehan ho fiar.
    "AMP! AMP! AMP! AMP!"
    Aliansa simu hasoru. Rame!
    Iha kotuk Sahnana dehan,
    "AyaM Potong!"
    Iha oin AyaM Potong hatan,
    "Asal Mau Pak."
    AMP, Ami Manan, Povu AyaM Potong.
    ruypster said...

    Greetings from Spain!

    Um abraço da Espanha!

    ruypster - Blog
    Là où je passe, je laisse ma trace.
    Anonymous said...
    Claro que o deixaram sair e lhe deram dinheiro. Sabiam que iam deixar de controlar o país e queriam evitar que ele denunciasse a cumplicidade do Mari e dos outros na distribuição de armas. Os outros presos da comarca de Becora também tem direito a 30.000 dólares americanos dos cofres do Estado para fugir para a Malásia?

    Justice minister Lucia Lobato said he was allowed out of jail without a single document being shown to its director. He then flew to Kuala Lumpur on August 8 in a Kuwaiti-owned Lear jet.

    He had with him $US30,000 ($A35,250) from the Timorese treasury for "expenses" paid by then Fretilin prime minister Estanislau da Silva after a request from his then justice minister, Domingos Sarmento.

    The newly-elected government of Xanana Gusmao may hold an inquiry to examine possible corruption charges.

    East Timor fears Lobato may dodge jail
    The Age
    September 24, 2007 - 7:04PM

    East Timor's government fears a jailed former minister, allowed to leave the country for medical care, won't return to serve his sentence for arming hit squads during last year's unrest.

    The government has also flagged a possible corruption inquiry related to the case of the former Fretilin government's interior minister Rogerio Lobato.

    Days before the Fretilin government lost power in August, a judge ordered his release from a Dili prison for urgent medical treatment in Malaysia.

    The order was made despite only one of three doctors who examined Lobato saying he needed overseas medical care.

    The other two - including an Australian doctor - had said he could receive adequate care in East Timor.

    Before Lobato left the country early last month, East Timor's new government had expressed concern he might seek to remain overseas.

    But East Timor's new justice minister Lucia Lobato - a younger cousin of Rogerio Lobato - said he was allowed to leave because the government could not be seen to overrule the courts.

    "We could not interfere with the courts. It's a sensitive and confused situation," Ms Lobato said this week.

    But she admitted her government remained "very worried" that Lobato would flee.

    Lobato was convicted earlier this year of manslaughter and supplying arms to civilian hit squads tasked with eliminating government opponents in 2006.

    Some 37 people were killed in the unrest, which brought the nation to a standstill.

    Lobato was allowed to leave East Timor after a legal agreement was reached, saying he must return immediately after treatment.

    In his court order allowing overseas treatment, Judge Ivo Rosa said the constitution enshrined the right of prisoners to adequate medical care.

    But the former interior minister did not leave jail like an average felon.

    Justice minister Lucia Lobato said he was allowed out of jail without a single document being shown to its director. He then flew to Kuala Lumpur on August 8 in a Kuwaiti-owned Lear jet.

    He had with him $US30,000 ($A35,250) from the Timorese treasury for "expenses" paid by then Fretilin prime minister Estanislau da Silva after a request from his then justice minister, Domingos Sarmento.

    The newly-elected government of Xanana Gusmao may hold an inquiry to examine possible corruption charges.

    Lucia Lobato raised questions about the nature of Lobato's medical condition.

    She queried why he had been operated on for a back complaint rather than the prostate and heart problems one doctor said he had.

    She said Judge Rosa had also said three experts recommended treatment abroad when in fact only one did.

    Of three examining doctors in Dili hospital, only Cuban Aniceto Cabeza Suarez recommended overseas treatment.

    An Australian surgeon specifically stated that his various complaints were not life threatening and could be treated in East Timor.

    A third doctor, a Chinese urologist, simply said Lobato should be given new medication for a benign prostate condition.

    Timorese ambassador Juvencio Martins has said Lobato had a spinal disc operation in Kuala Lumpur on August 21 and has since been discharged to recover in a rented apartment.

    Lucia Lobato said she was particularly concerned that Malaysia had so far not responded to East Timor's requests that it must ensure Lobato does not leave Malaysia.
    Anonymous said...
    "Railos halo servisu ho orden hosi Xanana, la’ós hosi Rogerio Lobato"

    A prova da cumplicidade do Xanana no ataque contra o QG das F-FDTL liderado por Vicente Railos.
    Anonymous said...
    Konversa entre Longionhos Monteiro ho Leandro Isaac, click iha ne'e

    Ida ne'e tradusaun konversa ne'e ba ingles

    1. Translation of transcript of mobile telephone conversation between Longuinhos Monteiro (LM), Leandro Isaac (LI) and Herminigildo Pereira, also known as "Agio" Pereira; on an unknown date but during the first or second round of the presidential election campaign.

    LI: Yes....ah.

    LM: They found it amusing, so they asked me to ring you and ask you to try read out the document, its contents, what it says. They said "heck" this is too much this F letter to Alfredo.

    LI: Ah. Ah. Ah (laughing)

    LM: Yes. Now. Now. The two of us are speaking right now but the old man is listening.

    LI: Oh! Is that right? Give him my compliments, my good morning, my big embrace, but an embrace with the heart, not with a hot head. Tell him. Tell him from the heart.

    LM: Ok

    LI: Not with a hot head!

    LM: Ok

    LI: Yes.

    LM: So read out the, what's its name, that letter's contents and what it says, that one from F.

    LI: Ah. Its like this. Major Alfredo is our, our hero.

    LM: Yes. Yes.

    LI: Hero. Aahh......because of this we have to respect him.

    LM: Hm. Hm.

    LI: Ahhmm. Major Alfredo has already said that the people should not select Ramos Horta.

    LM: Here the old man is laughing right now. Aha....speak on.

    LI: Because of this the people have to give him maximum protection to this our hero. They should not let him fall into Ramos Horta's hook.

    LM: Hm. Hm.

    LI: He should stay put, because if he comes down and falls into Ramos Horta's hook then Ramos Horta will hand him over to the Australian Forces to kill him.

    LM: Ok. Ok. Ok.

    LI: Ah...This is their propaganda that they are now putting out.

    LM: Ok. Alright. Alright.

    LI: Ah. Ah. Yes.

    LM: Alright. Alright. So this is the nucleus of it?

    LI: This is the nucleus. This is the nucleus.

    LM: Oh.

    LI: Sending also one to me. Later today I will possibly receive it. Later it will be with me.

    LM: Then you receive it, canalise one in turn to me.

    LI: Oh with certainty. Certainly. Certainly.

    LM: Alright. Alright, brother...then thank you, that's all brother.

    LI: Big thank you! Big thank you! A big embrace from me to the President, with a red heart, not a heart....not black.

    LM: Ok.

    (Voice of HP could be overheard in the background conversing with a third party, though unintelligible)

    LI: Still red! So, thank you.

    LM: Brother. Wait on a little. Don't hang up yet. Don't hang up yet. I am going to pass the phone, wait on. I am passing the phone to the Second, Second. Wait on.

    LI: Ah. Good.

    HP: Excellency!

    LI: Aih. My brother! So!

    HP: Now you are the Clandestine Parliamentarian pah!

    LI: No. Not a Parliamentarian. I ceased being one.

    (HP laughs)

    LI: It's Leandro Isaac. It's true.

    (HP laughs)

    HP: The fight continues on all fronts.

    (LI laughs)

    LI: Its true. Its true.

    HP: Brother, later, later send me your new number.

    LI: Alright, alright. I will send it. I will send it.

    HP: Or I will take it from brother Long here.

    LI: Yes. But you know what? Today I said to the Prime Minister. I said to many, that, from today the 14 th I will do what the President, our older brother Xanana Gusmão said at the time in 92, "let us leave the politics of the bedroom and go out onto the veranda".

    HP: Yes. Yes.

    LI: Let's go out onto the veranda. I am already on the veranda. Today I said to the Prime Minister, all the old numbers which I previously used, I am going to switch them on. They can catch me wherever they want to catch me, or they can .... can detect me wherever I am and fire a shot at me and I can die. But from today, I am going out onto the veranda.

    HP: Alright.

    LI: That which the old man said in 92.

    HP: Later I will call you. I will call you again later.

    LI: Yes....alright.....ready.

    HP: Here is Long.

    LI: Ok.

    LM: So. We will leave it this way brother.

    LI: Ready. Ready, Brother.

    LM: Ready. I have already given the number.

    LI: Have you told them that? Hello?

    LM: Ah. Yes, yes.

    LI: Have you told them of that decision yesterday, the day before yesterday, that the Central Committee took?

    LM: Aahh. Regarding!?

    LI: The three. The three resigned. The three.

    LM: Ah. Ah. Yes. Yes. Yes.

    LI: The three resigned. They have handed the party over to the younger ones.

    LM: Ok. Alright. Alright.

    LI: Tell them about that. Tell them about that. It is really cute that.

    LM: Ok. Alright. Alright.

    LI: We had our, our intelligence at the meeting and they informed us this morning.

    LM: Alright. Alright. Alright.

    LI: Tell them about that. It is very cute.

    LM: Alright. Alright. Thank you. Thank you

    LI: Thank you. Thank you.
    Anonymous said...
    A taped conversation between Longuinhos Monteiro, General Prossecutor, Hermenegildo Pereira, then chief of staff to the then president Jose Alexandre Gusmao "Xanana" and Leandro Isaac, a criminal and a fugitive. Click here to hear the complete conversation.

    This is the English translation

    1. Translation of transcript of mobile telephone conversation between Longuinhos Monteiro (LM), Leandro Isaac (LI) and Herminigildo Pereira, also known as "Agio" Pereira; on an unknown date but during the first or second round of the presidential election campaign.

    LI: Yes....ah.
    LM: They found it amusing, so they asked me to ring you and ask you to try read out the document, its contents, what it says. They said "heck" this is too much this F letter to Alfredo.
    LI: Ah. Ah. Ah (laughing)
    LM: Yes. Now. Now. The two of us are speaking right now but the old man is listening.
    LI: Oh! Is that right? Give him my compliments, my good morning, my big embrace, but an embrace with the heart, not with a hot head. Tell him. Tell him from the heart.
    LM: Ok
    LI: Not with a hot head!
    LM: Ok
    LI: Yes.
    LM: So read out the, what's its name, that letter's contents and what it says, that one from F.
    LI: Ah. Its like this. Major Alfredo is our, our hero.
    LM: Yes. Yes.
    LI: Hero. Aahh......because of this we have to respect him.
    LM: Hm. Hm.
    LI: Ahhmm. Major Alfredo has already said that the people should not select Ramos Horta.
    LM: Here the old man is laughing right now. Aha....speak on.
    LI: Because of this the people have to give him maximum protection to this our hero. They should not let him fall into Ramos Horta's hook.
    LM: Hm. Hm.
    LI: He should stay put, because if he comes down and falls into Ramos Horta's hook then Ramos Horta will hand him over to the Australian Forces to kill him.
    LM: Ok. Ok. Ok.
    LI: Ah...This is their propaganda that they are now putting out.
    LM: Ok. Alright. Alright.
    LI: Ah. Ah. Yes.
    LM: Alright. Alright. So this is the nucleus of it?
    LI: This is the nucleus. This is the nucleus.
    LM: Oh.
    LI: Sending also one to me. Later today I will possibly receive it. Later it will be with me.
    LM: Then you receive it, canalise one in turn to me.
    LI: Oh with certainty. Certainly. Certainly.
    LM: Alright. Alright, brother...then thank you, that's all brother.
    LI: Big thank you! Big thank you! A big embrace from me to the President, with a red heart, not a heart....not black.
    LM: Ok.
    (Voice of HP could be overheard in the background conversing with a third party, though unintelligible)
    LI: Still red! So, thank you.
    LM: Brother. Wait on a little. Don't hang up yet. Don't hang up yet. I am going to pass the phone, wait on. I am passing the phone to the Second, Second. Wait on.
    LI: Ah. Good.
    HP: Excellency!
    LI: Aih. My brother! So!
    HP: Now you are the Clandestine Parliamentarian pah!
    LI: No. Not a Parliamentarian. I ceased being one.
    (HP laughs)
    LI: It's Leandro Isaac. It's true.
    (HP laughs)
    HP: The fight continues on all fronts.
    (LI laughs)
    LI: Its true. Its true.
    HP: Brother, later, later send me your new number.
    LI: Alright, alright. I will send it. I will send it.
    HP: Or I will take it from brother Long here.
    LI: Yes. But you know what? Today I said to the Prime Minister. I said to many, that, from today the 14 th I will do what the President, our older brother Xanana Gusmão said at the time in 92, "let us leave the politics of the bedroom and go out onto the veranda".
    HP: Yes. Yes.
    LI: Let's go out onto the veranda. I am already on the veranda. Today I said to the Prime Minister, all the old numbers which I previously used, I am going to switch them on. They can catch me wherever they want to catch me, or they can .... can detect me wherever I am and fire a shot at me and I can die. But from today, I am going out onto the veranda.
    HP: Alright.
    LI: That which the old man said in 92.
    HP: Later I will call you. I will call you again later.
    LI: Yes....alright.....ready.
    HP: Here is Long.
    LI: Ok.
    LM: So. We will leave it this way brother.
    LI: Ready. Ready, Brother.
    LM: Ready. I have already given the number.
    LI: Have you told them that? Hello?
    LM: Ah. Yes, yes.
    LI: Have you told them of that decision yesterday, the day before yesterday, that the Central Committee took?
    LM: Aahh. Regarding!?
    LI: The three. The three resigned. The three.
    LM: Ah. Ah. Yes. Yes. Yes.
    LI: The three resigned. They have handed the party over to the younger ones.
    LM: Ok. Alright. Alright.
    LI: Tell them about that. Tell them about that. It is really cute that.
    LM: Ok. Alright. Alright.
    LI: We had our, our intelligence at the meeting and they informed us this morning.
    LM: Alright. Alright. Alright.
    LI: Tell them about that. It is very cute.
    LM: Alright. Alright. Thank you. Thank you
    LI: Thank you. Thank you.
    LI: Yes....ah.
    LM: They found it amusing, so they asked me to ring you and ask you to try read out the document, its contents, what it says. They said "heck" this is too much this F letter to Alfredo.
    LI: Ah. Ah. Ah (laughing)
    LM: Yes. Now. Now. The two of us are speaking right now but the old man is listening.
    LI: Oh! Is that right? Give him my compliments, my good morning, my big embrace, but an embrace with the heart, not with a hot head. Tell him. Tell him from the heart.
    LM: Ok
    LI: Not with a hot head!
    LM: Ok
    LI: Yes.
    LM: So read out the, what's its name, that letter's contents and what it says, that one from F.
    LI: Ah. Its like this. Major Alfredo is our, our hero.
    LM: Yes. Yes.
    LI: Hero. Aahh......because of this we have to respect him.
    LM: Hm. Hm.
    LI: Ahhmm. Major Alfredo has already said that the people should not select Ramos Horta.
    LM: Here the old man is laughing right now. Aha....speak on.
    LI: Because of this the people have to give him maximum protection to this our hero. They should not let him fall into Ramos Horta's hook.
    LM: Hm. Hm.
    LI: He should stay put, because if he comes down and falls into Ramos Horta's hook then Ramos Horta will hand him over to the Australian Forces to kill him.
    LM: Ok. Ok. Ok.
    LI: Ah...This is their propaganda that they are now putting out.
    LM: Ok. Alright. Alright.
    LI: Ah. Ah. Yes.
    LM: Alright. Alright. So this is the nucleus of it?
    LI: This is the nucleus. This is the nucleus.
    LM: Oh.
    LI: Sending also one to me. Later today I will possibly receive it. Later it will be with me.
    LM: Then you receive it, canalise one in turn to me.
    LI: Oh with certainty. Certainly. Certainly.
    LM: Alright. Alright, brother...then thank you, that's all brother.
    LI: Big thank you! Big thank you! A big embrace from me to the President, with a red heart, not a heart....not black.
    LM: Ok.
    LI: Still red! So, thank you.
    Anonymous said...
    Nice long post. :)
    Rui Martins said...
    Para que se não repita este laxismo intencional ou incompetente de "tropas de ocupação" australianas e neozelandesas!

    Anonymous said...
    Parabéns ba asaun ne'e. Ema tesi ai-hun hanesan mirain.

    Ha'u hanoin-hetan Dili iha ona ai-hun barak, horiuluk. Iha tempu ne'e, ami estudante sira bele la'o tuir dalan ninin ho lalatak bainhira ami ba eskola. No mós Dili furak liu.

    Agora ai-hun ne'e aas, labele tesi sira. Nune'e Dili sei sai furak tebes.

    Parabéns ba Blog ne'e, liuliu parte ne'e "Cultural notes".
    bathmate said...
    Thank you for your nice posting.
    it is really helpful to us.
    such a nice topics.


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